Getty-Dubay Italic
Is a simple, practical way to learn and improve handwriting.

Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting is modern handwriting style that is clean, smooth and unadorned for Kindergarten through Seventh grade. There is also an adult program available for older students and parents. There are few changes between the lowercase and capital letters other than size. The transition to cursive is simply a matter of learning to join the individual letters. Beverly L. Adams-Gordon highly recommends this program for students with learning challenges of many types. Boys particularly seem attracted to this no nonsense style of handwriting.

Beginning with Level C, writing practice material is on a few particularly interesting themes. Activities guide students through the "Look-Plan-Practice" approach to self-assessment. This approach enhances legibility while encouraging your student’s responsibility for his own progress.

This complete program is very reasonably priced. It only requires one teacher’s manual that covers all levels of the program. It is the same price as the student workbooks. This will save families a lot of money over time. You will love the ease of using this program and the success your students will have with it. Order yours today.

You may view a sample page from each Workbook by clicking the link provided on its description.

Even if you've never taught handwriting, you'll find the Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series easy to follow and full of step-by-step guidance, tips, and creative practice materials. Each of the eight books in the series has been designed to utilize the child's natural curiosity and thirst for learning. The unique "Look-Plan-Practice" approach to self-assessment enhances legibility while empowering the child—encouraging responsibility for his or her own progress.

In short, italic handwriting is:

Write Now is a self-instructional course in Italic Handwriting designed for High School students and above.

Getty-Dubay Italic basic books
the basic Getty-Dubay Italic letters

The basic italic letters (without the smiley faces)

Italic Handwriting Book A

With clever illustrations and plenty of space for writing and drawing on each individual letter page, this first book in the series provides practice with basic shapes and introduces basic italic lowercase families and capitals, one letter per page. Includes numerals. (Letter height 14 mm)

Italic Handwriting Book B

For the beginning reader, this book presents lowercase, capitals and numerals. With a short word and lively sentence on each page, this book is a lot of fun for the student! Illustrated. (Letter height 11 & 9 mm)

Italic Handwriting Book C
Second Grade

The transition book from basic to cursive italic. Basic writing practice themes: modes of transportation (automobile through zeppelin), days of the week, months of the year, and sentences. Capitals practice: cities of the USA. The simple transition to cursive italic is introduced. Includes numerals. Illustrated. (Letter height 9 & 6 mm).

Getty-Dubay Italic cursive books
the basic Getty-Dubay Italic letters

The basic italic letters (without the smiley faces)

Italic Handwriting Book D
Third Grade

Energizing writing practice for basic italic and cursive italic includes capitalization, vowel and consonant sounds, prefixes, suffixes, phonograms, homophones, tongue twisters and six poem forms. Cursive capitals are introduced with historical development of each letter. Illustrated. (Letter height 6 & 5 mm)

Italic Handwriting Book E
Fourth Grade

This well-crafted book is a welcome complement to your entire curriculum. While practicing cursive italic, students explore the many facets of the world of science — the animal kingdom, DNA, photosynthesis, minerals, continents, biomes, our solar system and galaxy. Practice with capitals: cities of the world and history of letters. Illustrated. (Letter height 6, 5, & 4 mm)

Italic Handwriting Book F
Fifth Grade

Figures of speech of the English language are used for cursive writing practice, including synonyms, antonyms, simile, metaphors, word origins, onomatopoeia, proverbs, homophones, homographs, analogies, oxymoron, tongue twisters, pangrams and palindromes. Capitals practice: Native American nations, tribes and communities. History of letters and numerals. Illustrated. (Letter height 6, 5 & 4 mm)

Italic Handwriting Book G
Sixth Grade

The final book in the Series contains basic and cursive writing practice to acquaint the student with the history of writing. Content includes writing materials such as papyrus, parchment, paper and pens as well as eight scripts developed from the Roman Era to the 17th century. Cursive capitals practice shows the historical development of each letter. History of numerals. Part 3: edged pen writing. Illustrated. (Letter height 9, 5, & 4 mm).

Italic Handwriting Instruction Manual

Designed for use with Books A–G, this invaluable guide contains detailed instructions for teaching letter families, capitals, cursive joins, assessment strategies, techniques for increasing speed and developing style, plus the history of writing. Complete information provided to effectively teach italic handwriting.

Purchase the entire Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Program

Barbara Getty and Inga Dubay's Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series has been in continuous use since 1979 in public, private, and home schools throughout the country. The Getty-Dubay series provides step-by-step guidance useful to teachers as well as the self-taught student. This set includes all 7 Student Texts (Books A through G) as well as the Instruction Manual.

Write Now
A self-instructional course in modern italic handwriting

  • Write Now was developed as a complete program for adults by Barbara Getty and Inga Dubay, internationally recognized for their series of handwriting textbooks.
  • Write Now contains complete instructions as well as practice exercises and tips. The new edition includes a supplementary section with a complete review of basic and cursive italic. The content for practice is the history of writing.
  • Write Now is an easy way to develop a better hand at your own pace. Just a few short weeks will have others admiring your new handwriting skills.
  • Write Now also includes the historical development of Roman capitals such as well as the development of lowercase letters.




Your poor handwriting isn't your fault…
The looped cursive handwriting most of us were taught was simply not designed to accomplish the necessary combination of legibility, speed, and ease.

Italic handwriting is easy and natural…
Rhythmic patterns of sloped elliptical shapes follow the natural movement of the hand. These handsome letterforms are as easy to write as they are to read.

Write more legibly…
These simple, narrow, slightly sloping letters were designed for both legibility and speed. Italic is a fast, and efficient and practical writing style that eliminates the loops and flourishes of conventional handwriting.

Send handwritten notes you can be proud of…
Friends and business associates will appreciate receiving legible and distinctive handwritten messages.

No more hand cramps or broken pencil points…
New in this completely handwritten, revised edition of Write Now is an ergonomically efficient alternative pen hold offering relief to those individuals who tend to grasp their writing instrument too tightly.