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Outposts and Bushplanes


Original Price: $17.95
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Category: Transportation: Airplanes

Author: Bruce Lamb

Publishing Information: 2011 by Hancock House

ISBN: 08888395566

Binding: trade pap

Description: Go back in time to a place where ingenuity and perseverance were ì all one needed to make a go of things in the northern B.C. ì wilderness. A celebration of the people and lifestyles of this ì once-remote frontier, Outposts and Bushplanes commemorates ì the region's rich recent past history. The book also describes ì the vital role played by the relatively new light aircraft of the ì day and the skill of their capable pilots and engineers.

Adventure-lovers and outdoors people will enjoy reading about ì the fine folk of the Northwest and their often-daunting exploits ì as they settled this isolated region during the middle of the ì last century.

Written in a descriptive and down-to-earth manner, Outposts ì and Bushplanes returns readers to the glory days of central ì British Columbia. Author Bruce Lamb brings his audience along as ì he flies in and out of the far-flung northern bush and introduces ì them to just some of the resilient characters that populated this ì area.

Condition Information:

This book is new.

Quantity currently in Stock: 2

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