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Category: Biography
Publishing Information: 2005 by Ignatius Press
ISBN: 1586170430
Binding: Cloth
Description: Evelyn Waugh presented his biography of St. Edmund Campion, the ì Elizabethan poet, scholar and gentleman who became the haunted, ì trapped and murdered priest as "a simple, perfectly true story of ì heroism and holiness."But it is written with a novelist's eye for the telling incident ì and with all the elegance and feeling of a master of English ì prose. From the years of success as an Oxford scholar, to entry ì into the newly founded Society of Jesus and a professorship in ì Prague, Campion's life was an inexorable progress towards the ì doomed mission to England. There followed pursuit, betrayal, a ì spirited defense of loyalty to the Queen, and a horrifying ì martyr's death at Tyburn.
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