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Category: Regional: Washington state: Biograp
Publishing Information: 2005 by Author House
ISBN: 1418430056
Binding: Trade pap
Description: Mr. Ruud's letters paint a much broader picture. You learn that ì his was an unusually fertile, forward-looking mind, teeming with ì ideas and plans for the future. At times, it feels as if his life ì was an embodiment of the development of the state itself. Still, ì in spite of his abundance of vitality, he never loses sight of ì reality. Everything he gets involved in is carefully evaluated ì before he makes a commitment. His feet are always planted on ì solid ground.It has been a joy to read, as well as to translate the letters ì of this fascinating man.Bjarne Breilid, Translator AMERICAN FEVER ì is a welcome addition to the history of Eastern Washington. ì Esther Ruud Stradling has drawn heavily from family ì correspondence to produce this readable and engrossing biography ì of her pioneer ancestors. The use of extensive quotes from family ì letters conveys a deep and personal sense of the hard work and ì dreams that many European immigrants brought with them when they ì settled the American West.
Condition Information: This is a used book and is in Good condition.Quantity currently in Stock: 1
Categories: -3450-1140-1146-3760-3890-3577-
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