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Category: Religion: Devotional
Publishing Information: 2004 by Nelson Books
ISBN: 0785263578
Binding: hardcover
Description: For many years Angela Thomas thought of the Beatitudes as a list ì of "Gotta Be's," as in: Gotta be meek. Gotta be merciful. And ì when she compared her life to the standard they set, she always ì felt that she came up short. But through God's great mercy, she ì has come to see this passage instead as a roster of "When You ì Are's." When you are meek, there is a spiritual inheritance. When ì you are merciful, you will be shown mercy.This shift in thinking has led Thomas to understand that God ì does not require perfection, but rather our gracious obedience. ì In His eyes, our lives-complete with mistakes, blemishes, and ì imperfections-are A Beautiful Offering.
Condition Information: This is a used book in Very good condition.Quantity currently in Stock: 1
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