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Original Price: $14.00
Your Price: $11.25
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Category: Fiction: Literature

Author: Upton Sinclair

Publishing Information: by Penguin

ISBN: 014303958X

Binding: Paper

Description: Upton Sinclair's dramatic and deeply moving story exposed the ì brutal conditions in the Chicago stockyards at the turn of the ì nineteenth century and brought into sharp moral focus the ì apalling odds against which immigrants and other working people ì struggled for their share of the American dream. Denounced by the ì conservative press as an un-American libel on the meatpacking ì industry, the book was championed by more progressive thinkers, ì including then president Theodore Roosevelt, and was a major ì catalyst to the passing of the Pure Food and Meat Inspection act, ì which has tremendous impact to this day.

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Quantity currently in Stock: 1

Categories: -2040-2300-

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