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Can I Get an Amen? a novel


Original Price: $15.00
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Category: Fiction: Contemporary

Author: Sarah Healy

Publishing Information: 2012 by New American Library

ISBN: 0451236777

Binding: trade pap

Description: Growing up, Ellen Carlisle was a Christian: She went to Jesus ì camp, downed stale Nilla Wafers at Sunday school, and never, ever ì played with Ouija boards. Now, years later, when infertility ì prevents her from giving her ambitious attorney husband a family, ì she finds herself on the brink of divorce, unemployed, and living ì with her right-wing, born-again Christian parents in her suburban ì New Jersey hometown. There the schools are private, the past is ì public, and blessings come in lump sums.

Then Ellen meets a man to whom she believes she can open her ì heart, and she begins to think that maybe it's true that ì everything happens for a reason-until all that was going well ì starts going very badly and Ellen is finally forced to dig deep ì to find her own brand of faith.

Condition Information: This is a used book and is in ' like new' condition.

Quantity currently in Stock: 1

Categories: 2040-2130-2220-

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