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Category: Fiction: Mystery & Suspense
Publishing Information: 2003 by Pinnacle
ISBN: 0739437364
Binding: hardcover
Description: Nestled deep in the Southern Appalachian Mountains is the town of ì Windshake. Living among the populace of good ol' boy moonshiners ì and God-fearing folk are psychologist Tamara Leon and her family. ì All her life Tamara has been plagued by dark dreams and visions. ì She calls them "Gloomies". They have an uncanny way of ì foreshadowing tragic events to come-- and her instincts tell her ì something unnatural is happening. ...SOMETHING WICKED GROWS ì Because a new presence has taken up residence in Windshake. It ì feeds off everything in its path, consuming life to fuel its ì malevolent purpose. Its evil can be seen in the eyes of its ì converts as they spread its influence from neighbor to neighbor. ì And its hunger will not be sated until it has remade Windshake in ì its own image...Condition Information: This is a used book in Very good condition.Quantity currently in Stock: 1
Categories: -2040-2350-2130-
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