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No Sweat Exercise Plan\The


Original Price: $16.95
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Category: Health & Nutrition

Author: Harvey Smith

Publishing Information: 2006 by McGraw Hill

ISBN: 9780071486026

Binding: Paperback

Description: Get fit without a gym membership!

You want to be fit and healthy, but who has the time, energy, or ì motivation to hit the gym or do laps around the track.? The ì No-Sweat Exercise Plan offers you a unique point system for ì tracking how much exercise you are really doing and giving you a ì goal to achieve each week.

The book features the No-Sweat Exercise Pyramids, a set of ì practical, visual guides that shows the types and amounts of ì exercise required for good health. An easy-to-follow system ì assigns points to such activities as gardening, housework, ì climbing stairs, and walking. You simply set goals based on your ì personal needs, and then calculate how many points you need to ì get--and stay--fit.

Biographical note
Harvey B. Simon, M.D., is an associate professor of medicine at ì Harvard Medical School and is also on the faculty of the ì Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Simon is a founding ì member of the Harvard Cardiovascular Health Center. He is the ì author of five other health and fitness books and is the founding ì editor of the Harvard Men's Health Watch. Dr. Simon received the ì London Prize for excellence in teaching from Harvard and MIT and ì has provided primary medical care for thousands of patients.

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