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Adventuring Along The Lewis and Clark Trail


Original Price: $16.95
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Category: History: U.S.: L&C

Author: Elizabeth Grossman

Publishing Information: 2003 by Sierra Club Books

ISBN: 1-57805-067-7

Binding: Paper

Description: Explore the natural areas along America's most famous pioneer ì route: Use this comprehensive guide to plan your outdoor ì adventures in the lands that were explored by Lewis and Clark This Sierra Club travel guide is designed to get modern day ì adventures out of their cars and into the landscape to sense how ì it might have looked to the Corps of Discovery. It features tips ì on the best hikes, walks, backpack and bike trips, canoe and ì kayaking. Also, you will appreciate the state-by-state profiles ì of wilderness areas, parks, and biological preserves along the ì trail. 280 pp. Paperback.

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This book is new.

Quantity currently in Stock: 1

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