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Postal History of Southeastern Washington


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Category: History: U.S.: Washington State

Author: Robert Keatts

Publishing Information: 2021 by Postal Antiques and

ISBN: 097406582X

Binding: large Pap

Description: Postal History of Southeastern Washington covers the five ì counties that make up Washington state: Asotin, Columbia, ì Franklin, Garfield, and Walla Walla Counties. Profusely ì illustrated and footnoted, in addition to post office starting ì and ending dates, sample devices, and scans of covers, the author ì lists the postmasters who served each office. In addition, there ì are close to 75 pages of postmaster biographies listed ì alphabetically by county.

Robert Keatts did his first postal related writing in junior ì high school when he wrote a paper about women on postage stamps. ì Since then he has worked in a variety of fields from being an ì administrative specialist in the U. S. Air Force, developing a ì winter identification key for deciduous plants at an ì environmental center, working as an interpretive naturalist for ì the National Park Service and writing a booklet on the mining ì history of the North Fork Skokomish River. He has contributed ì articles to the American Philatelist and La Posta: A Journal of ì American Postal History. In 2003 he completed and published ì Postal History of Walla Walla County Washington with a ì revised edition in 2013.

As a fourth generation native of eastern Washington, Robert ì Keatts is well versed in a variety of fields and has found ì something to write about in all of them. His knowledge of family ì history and genealogical research contributed to the success of ì postmaster biographic sketches in this book.

In his previous postal history writings he received reviews ì from La Posta and local author Bill Gulick. The similarities in ì this book follow a path that will bring postal historians, ì philatelist and inquisitive minds a trove of information that ì will be useful for historical research, genealogy and education ì for philatelists.

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