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I will fight No More Forever--Chief Joseph Nez P


Your Price: $7.95

Category: History: U.S.: Northwest

Author: Merrill D. Beal

Publishing Information: 1971 by Ballantine Books

ISBN: 0345321316

Binding: Mass Mark

Description: "I Will Fight No More Forever"
Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War

Unpublished letters and diaries by eyewitnesses, interviews ì with decedents, an intimate knowledge of the country enrich this ì narrative of the heroic Nez Perce Indian War waged in 1877 ì against relocation.

The result is a well documented chronicle offering new ì perspective on prewar Indian-white relations, United States ì government pressures and nontreaty rebellions, the five battles, ì subjection and surrender, and on the character of the leaders on ì both sides.

"From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever," ì Chief Joseph said in surrender. But as a guardian and protector ì of his people he at last succeeded in bringing back the remaining ì members of his tribe to their beloved valley.

Calling Professor Beal's book, "definitive, but not final," ì Herman J. Deutsch, professor emeritus of American history at ì Washington State University, writes in the foreword: "Joseph and ì his band remain an example and inspiration to those who today are ì seeking recognition as human beings, equal in the sight of God ì and therefore entitled to like status among men. Those who ì recognize that such aspirations must not for long remain ì unfulfilled can derive from Nez Perce history examples of the ì consequences of policies conceived in ignorance and colored with ì disdain of the culture and way of life of minority peoples. ...A ì world surfeited with deceptive success stories can ill afford to ì forget a people and their leader who attained their true moral ì stature as they were facing their doom."

Condition Information: This is a used book and is in Good condition.

Quantity currently in Stock: 1

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