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Category: Regional: U.S.: Oregon
Publishing Information: 2012 by Arcadia Publishing
ISBN: 0738593346
Binding: paperback
Description: As a link on the "Wire Trail," which was a Native American route ì between Celilo and Willamette Falls, Troutdale was first a site ì for Chinook Indian encampments. Its locale was connected to ì westward expansion as a landing place for Lewis and Clark and as ì one of the initial stops for immigrants fresh off the Oregon ì Trail. Troutdale's pioneers wrestled with its thick forests, ì rocky basalt cliffs, and the fierce east wind that funneled down ì from the Columbia River Gorge. Despite these obstacles, they ì created a community with a colorful and serendipitous history ì that included record-setting smelt runs, paralyzing ice storms, ì and being named as the "celery capital of the world." Troutdale ì transformed as its main street evolved from a dirt road into the ì first paved highway in the Pacific Northwest. This, coupled with ì the arrival of the railroad, has made it a gateway for tourists, ì day-trippers, and exuberant photographers seeking jaw-dropping ì vistas of the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Area.Condition Information: This is a used book and is in Good condition.Quantity currently in Stock: 1
Categories: -3860-3870-3861-
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