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Category: Science: Geology
Publishing Information: 2014 by Hancock House
ISBN: 9780888397249
Binding: trade pap
Description: A guide to mineral and fossil locations in 10 BC regions, ì including maps, photos, locale descriptions, and collecting tips ì for novices and experts alike. Gem Trails of British ì Columbia is certain to get you to pick up a shovel and pan ì and get out to the backcountry and up to your knees in sand and ì rocks looking for gems, minerals and fossils. Covering ten ì regions, this updated and expanded guide will appeal to both ì novice and experienced rockhounds. It includes detailed ì descriptions including what to look for in each area, color ì photos, maps and collecting tips.Author Cam Bacon calls upon years of experience to offer ì readers invaluable information, easy-to-follow directions and ì many helpful hints, including a complete list of rock clubs and ì contacts, which will assist in planning week or weekend trips. ì Thorough, yet concise, this slim volume is an outstanding source ì of old and new sites, and is perfect for the backpack of outdoor ì lovers ready to unearth treasures and adventure throughout the ì province's beautiful back roads.
Condition Information:This book is new.
Quantity currently in Stock: 4
Categories: -6030-7000-3503-3506-
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