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Mt. Shasta. California's Mystic Mountain


Original Price: $15.95
Your Price: $11.00
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Category: Regional: U.S.: California

Author: Emilie A. Frank

Publishing Information: 1998 by Photografix Publishi

ISBN: 1888740086

Binding: Trade Pap

Description: This 27-chapter book with 208 pages, loaded with photographs, ì includes interviews with unusual and/or psychic persons who have ì had transcendental experiences on Mt. Shasta. Another claimed to ì have met an "Ascended Master" named Saint Germain beside a stream ì on the mountain, was spiritually taught and told to form The ì Saint Germain Foundation, which also has worldwide followers. ì Also, included are exclusive interviews; strange occult ì "happenings" on the mountain; descriptions of the mysterious ì circles, mounds, domes and pyramids found on the slopes of Mt. ì Shasta; UFO activity in the immediate realm of Mt. Shasta (which ì includes the alleged abduction of a Happy Camp woman); complete ì account of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence on the slopes of Mt. ì Shasta -- which led to an occult happening bringing even more ì national media attention; and an account of Elizabeth Clare ì Prophet's visit and her channeled messages from Lemurian beings ì and "Masters" within Mt. Shasta.

Condition Information: This is a used book and is in ' like new' condition.

Quantity currently in Stock: 1

Categories: -3800-3861-5725-5730-

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