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Category: Fiction: Women's
Publishing Information: 1996 by Bethany House
ISBN: 1568652623
Binding: hardcover
Description: Jodie Harland and Bethan Keane, two young women with very � different goals and personalities, develop a strong friendship � when the plight of a homeless puppy brings them together. Soon � their shared joys and trials make them more like sisters than � friends. Then tragedy strikes Jodie's family, and her faith begins to � waver. Through it all, Bethan remains a loyal companion. But when � Jodie's possible romance with Bethan's brother causes a rift � between the two girls, reconciliation seems impossible. When Jodie leaves for college, the distance between them becomes � even greater. Will the girls be able to move beyond past hurts � and restore their friendship?Condition Information: This is a used book in Very good condition.Quantity currently in Stock: 1
Categories: -2040-2130-2500-
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